Cyber Risk
Navigating the Digital Transformation
Block Course | Spring 2021
Full programme: Download Download (PDF, 304 KB)
Registration closed. Stay tuned in 2022!

About the course
The technology landscape is evolving at an increasing pace, forcing businesses, individuals and society to adapt in order to remain competitive. At the same time, the risk to businesses from cyber-attacks is growing just as fast, if not faster. To keep on top of such risks, one must understand the key drivers of cyber risk and get updates on the latest trends, research, solutions and best practices.
This course offers an integrative perspective on cyber risks. It helps understand the important developments, the principles, the challenges and limitations and the state of practice surrounding cyber risk from the technological, economic, legal, and insurance perspectives. The course provides tangible takeaways that cyber risk stakeholders in all organizations can use to strengthen their resilience.
Participants gain an interdisciplinary overview and an understanding of cybersecurity mechanisms, which will guide their decision-making and risk-management.
Setting: Virtual and - if possible - in classroom
The course comprises 7 parts. Each part is divided into 1 to 3 sessions, mostly on Thursday evenings, from April to July (from 18:00 to 20:00). The course also includes a Public Session, open to the Risk Center's community of risk professionals. It will engage the course's participants in a larger dialogue around the topic of cyber risk.
- Managing Cyber Risk, Threats, and Actors: 08.04.2021, 15.04.2021
- Theoretical Foundations of Cyber Security: 29.04.2021, 06.05.2021
- Cyber Resilience and System Architectures: 20.05.2021, 27.05.2021
- How to Model and Mitigate Cyber Risk?: 10.06.2021, 18.06.2021
- Public Session: Cyber Risks in Critical Infrastructure and in Health Care Markets (Panel Discussion and Apero at ETH): 24.06.2021
- Critical Infrastructure Protection: 01.07.2021
- Cyber Risk Governance: 08.07.2021
Lecturers (ETH)
Prof. Paul Embrechts, Risk Center and RiskLab, D-MATH
Stefan Frei, Lecturer Cyber Security D-MTEC, Senior Information Security Officer, SIX Digital Exchange SDX
Prof. Kenneth Paterson, Applied Cryptography Group, D-INFK
Prof. Adrian Perrig, Network Security Group, D-INFK
Patrick Schaller, Senior Scientist, System Security Group, D-INFK
Lecturers (External)
Erik Dinkel, Chief Information Security Officer, UniversitätsSpital Zürich
Prof. Michel Dacorogna, Partner, PRS Prime Re Solutions
Noel Ferguson, Managing Director Global Technology, UBS AG
Roger Halbheer, Chief Security Advisor, Microsoft EMEA
Prof. Hannes Lubich, Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
Klaus Julisch, Managing Partner, Deloitte
Heinz-Jürgen Köberl, Head of Service & IT Governance, RHI Magnesita
Prof. Marie Kratz, École Supérieure des Sciences Économiques et Commerciales
Ivo Maritz, Senior Advisor, Monti Stampa Furrer
Franco Monti, Partner, Monti Stampa Furrer
Neal Pollard, Chief Information Security Officer, UBS AG
Tilmann Proske, Head of Enterprise Information Security, Uniper
Andreas Schönenberger, Chief Executive Office, Sanitas Group
Iwan Stalder, Head of Group Accumulation Management, Zurich Insurance
Maxim Salomon, Technical Program Manager for Security of Mergers & Acquisitions, Google
David Wicki-Birchler, Board Member, LEANmade
Number of Participants
Limited to 30.
Course Fee and Registration
CHF 2000.-
CHF 1’500.- for ETH-Alumni, EPFL-Alumni, and D-MTEC-Alumni
Participants are delivered a certificate confirming their participation.
Given the uncertainty regarding future COVID-19 restrictions, the course offers online sessions in the beginning and -whenever possible- 2 or 3 physical sessions for discussion and networking at ETH Zürich.
Who can attend?
The course is designed to appeal to a broad audience of decision-makers and to provide actionable information for all professionals that play a role in managing cyber risk in their organization—not just IT professionals. Participants will work and exchange, in small groups, with some of the best researchers, experts, and practitioners working at the cutting edge of their discipline and among peers. It allows communicating risks and solutions in terms that will resonate with corporate and institutional stakeholders.
Impressions of past participants
The course format is excellent for professional education.
Very varied and balanced selection of topics.
Very interesting, much information, sometimes the technical aspects are too detailed. But appropriate for a course at ETH.
Terms and conditions
Registration: Registration is required for all Continuing Education Short Courses. Online registration is binding. The Risk Center reserves the right to not hold the course in case the minimum number of participants is not achieved until the registration deadline.
Payment: You will be invoiced prior to the course taking place. In case the course is not held, the fee will be refunded to you.
Cancellation: Cancellations must be carried out by e-mail. The cancellation is only valid once it has been confirmed by the course administrator. Not paying the event fee does not count as a cancellation. Cancellations can be made 30 days before the event at no costs. For cancellations between 11-29 days prior the course, you will be refunded 50% of the fees. You will not be refunded any fees for cancellations submitted 10 days or less prior to the course or for not attending the course in full.